Privacy policy.


This privacy Policy outlines the commitment of SYRAM SARL and its division Remote Tech Hub, to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of information entrusted to us by our clients, partners, and stakeholders. This policy establishes guidelines and procedures to ensure the secure handling of sensitive information.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party collaborators who may have access to confidential information in the course of their duties at Remote Tech Hub.

Definition of Confidential Information:

Confidential information includes but is not limited to proprietary business information, trade secrets, financial data, client information, project details, intellectual property, and any other information not publicly available.


Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): Prior to engaging in any collaborative project, Remote Tech Hub may enter into a formal Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with clients or partners to explicitly outline the terms of confidentiality.

Access Control: Access to confidential information is restricted to individuals with a legitimate business need. Access permissions are regularly reviewed and updated based on project requirements.

Storage and Transmission: Confidential information is stored in secure environments with access controls. When transmitted electronically, encryption methods are employed to safeguard data during transmission.

Training: All employees and collaborators undergo training on confidentiality policies and procedures. This includes awareness of the sensitivity of confidential information and the consequences of unauthorized disclosure.

Third-Party Collaborators: Third-party collaborators, contractors, or vendors involved in projects requiring access to confidential information are required to sign confidentiality agreements and adhere to Remote Tech Hub’s confidentiality policies.

Project-Based Confidentiality: Confidential information shared during project collaboration is limited to the scope of the project. Information is not disclosed to parties outside the project without explicit consent.

Retention and Disposal: Confidential information is retained only for the duration necessary for the purpose it was collected. Secure methods are employed for the disposal of physical and electronic records

Reporting and Enforcement:

Employees and collaborators are encouraged to report any suspected breaches of confidentiality to the designated authority. Breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment or collaboration, and legal consequences as per applicable laws.

Review and Revision:

This Confidentiality Policy is periodically reviewed and updated to align with changes in business practices, legal requirements, and industry standards. The latest version is made available to all relevant stakeholders.


Remote Tech Hub is committed to maintaining the highest standards of confidentiality and information security. This policy serves as a foundation for creating a culture that values and protects the trust placed in us by our clients and partners.

Last Review Date: 10/23/2023

Remote Tech Hub | SYRAM SARL | [email protected]| +33 9 50 74 65 21 | 72 Route de la croix Hépich 57100 Thionville France | SIRET: 91944730000014 | VAT: FR54919447300